Welcome to the Cobram Lions Club in Victoria, Australia
We provide a unique service club membership and we have a few, interesting projects on the go right now. In keeping with the club ethics they are humanitarian, community spirited, fun and manageable.
We would love for you to join us. If you have a little spare time, have an interest in helping your community, and philanthropy, we'd love to hear from you.
Our members are dedicated to making our community a better place to live, work and grow.
Meeting Details
Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm every month at the:
Lions Shed
Scott Reserve
Karook Street
Cobram, Victoria, Australia
Contact us if you would like to come along 0459 340 109
Youth of the Year
Cobram Lions Youth Of the Year is on November 22nd at Killara House Youth of the Year Australia – … Read More
Christmas 2023 is here.
Christmas 2023 is now here? Maybe the Lions can help you with a cake or pudding. The Cobram. Lions have … Read More
Peace Poster Contest
For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and … Read More
Community Service
Lions are people who get involved in humanitarian efforts locally, nationally, and internationally.
People like you can find community service and volunteer opportunities in Lions through:
- Mentoring
- Leadership Development
- Medical Research Fundraising
- Disaster Relief
If you would like to serve your community, through the many volunteer opportunities in Lions, here is a little more information about joining lions.
Club News
Christmas 2023 is here. 01/07/2023
Peace Poster Contest 26/06/2023
Cobram Lions Markets 24/06/2023
Membership is vital to keep our Service Work going
About Us
Lions club members are men and women who strive to make a difference in their local community as well as in communities worldwide. Their volunteer efforts go beyond the support of vision care, to addressing unmet health and education needs worldwide.
As a member of Lions Australia you will experience a number of personal benefits including leadership skills, a sense of self-worth and purpose, business skills, networking opportunities and lifelong friendships.
What we do
Lions Australia has a proud history of achievement in Disaster and Emergency Relief, Medical Research and Community Service. We were at the coalface for Cyclone Tracy, the Black Saturday bush fires and the Queensland floods.
We were involved with the development of the bionic ear and the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, developed by Prof Ian Frazer AC, a former Lions Medical Research Foundation Fellow. We also inspired a young Fred Hollows and continue to provide funding for a range of other research initiatives involving diabetes and autism.
We assist with local community fundraising for special causes and help with the development and building of local parks, community venues, and sporting centres.
We are the Lions
We meet the needs of our local communities and the world.
Our 1.44 million men and women in 208 countries and geographic areas conduct vision and health screenings, build parks, support eye hospitals, award scholarships, assist youth, provide help in time of disaster and much more.
Join us in making our communities and the world better places to live.